sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

My Career: Social Work

Hello again, today I want to tell you about what I study. I am currently a student of social work, when I was little I wanted to study engineering because I really liked numbers, but then I started to like more the humanistic area and I wanted to study law to help people with the different problems they had.

in 2020 I decided to study social work because I always wanted to help people and also to be able to get involved in social interventions and projects.

This last year when I started my studies, I had in the first semester a subject called methodology of social research, personally it was difficult but after some time I learned many things that I can implement in a future project in some social intervention.

Also , I would like to be able to do interventions in children's homes because I have always considered that it is one of the most important stages of life and that they need to have a change in order to have better living conditions in the future.

I am already in my second year of my career and next year I will be in my third year, it is incredible how fast time goes by and I am very excited about the courses I will have next year, what I am most curious about are the elective courses.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

My Pets ❤️

Hi, today I going talk about my pets, since I was a little girl I remember that I wanted to have a pet because I like animals very much, especially cats.

At the moment I have 2 cats, their names are: pindy and jerry.

Pindy was my first cat, I have her since I have 6 years ago (when I was 14 years old) I still remember when she came to my house, curiously nobody expected her arrival, she came alone one day to us and began to come often to visit us, shortly after we adopted her because she had no family and we became attached to her immediately, she is very affectionate, independent and strong.

My second cat, his name is jerry, he is still small for us because he is 2 years old, he is our sweetheart. I still remember the day we adopted him, he was in the street very sick and in my house we took care of him until he was cured, we love him because he is always very adorable and playful.

I really love my cats, they are the best companions I can have, they are always there in the daily activities of the day, without a doubt, the best companions in times of quarantine, I love them ❤️

That's all, see you soon.

My Career: Social Work

Hello again, today I want to tell you about what I study. I am currently a student of social work, when I was little I wanted to study engin...