sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

My Career: Social Work

Hello again, today I want to tell you about what I study. I am currently a student of social work, when I was little I wanted to study engineering because I really liked numbers, but then I started to like more the humanistic area and I wanted to study law to help people with the different problems they had.

in 2020 I decided to study social work because I always wanted to help people and also to be able to get involved in social interventions and projects.

This last year when I started my studies, I had in the first semester a subject called methodology of social research, personally it was difficult but after some time I learned many things that I can implement in a future project in some social intervention.

Also , I would like to be able to do interventions in children's homes because I have always considered that it is one of the most important stages of life and that they need to have a change in order to have better living conditions in the future.

I am already in my second year of my career and next year I will be in my third year, it is incredible how fast time goes by and I am very excited about the courses I will have next year, what I am most curious about are the elective courses.

1 comentario:

  1. We will have methodology of social research again :(
    Hope it won't be as hard as the first semester hahah :-(
    Cheer up, ily! <3


My Career: Social Work

Hello again, today I want to tell you about what I study. I am currently a student of social work, when I was little I wanted to study engin...